Wednesday, 13 May 2015


AFANG SOUP best served with Foo foo or Eba. you cant go wrong with this combo!! you know the number to call for yours -  08033736490
Stock fish
Dry fish
Knorr cubes
Palm oil
Its soooo tasty!!!!


The major ingredient in EKPANG NKUKWO is Cocoyam which is rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium which makes it good for controlling high blood pressure and protect the heart.

It is very rich in dietary fibre too, and good for proper glucose metabolism.
Popular amongst diabetics in Africa, may be due to its content of loose carbohydrate in form of starch rather than sugar. The starch is easily digestible and grains are fine and small and often used for baby food.

I bet you didn't know that much about it.
UYAI CUISINE makes the best Ekpang Nkukwo in town and it can be delivered right to your door.


Monday, 11 May 2015

Banga Soup

So many times to avoid packing on extra calories we run away from the legendary BANGA SOUP also known as ABAK SOUP by the south south region, without knowing what great taste we have failed to experience.

Banga soup is made from palm fruit extract.
the Palm oil is used for preventing vitamin A deficiency, cancer, brain disease, aging and cyanide poisoning, Cataracts, Cognitive impairment, Macular degeneration, blood clotting,  hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels), High blood pressure.

Arguably one of the most beneficial of its many positive attributes is that red palm oil contains the most abundant amount of vitamins A and E of any plant-based oil. Vitamins A and E are praised for everything from killing cancer cells to preventing strokes.
unbelievably, Palm oil is also used for weight loss and increasing the body’s metabolism.

In Dr. Oz’s words, The first miracle solution of 2013 is red palm oil, an amazing fat that helps stop the signs of aging inside and out! 

These powerhouse antioxidant nutrients are the same ones that give tomatoes and carrots and other fruits and vegetables their rich red and orange colors. What may shock you is that red palm fruit oil contains more that tomatoes or carrots. Red palm fruit oil is also densely packed with numerous tocotrienols – a powerful form of vitamin E

So to enjoy this amazing Banga soup, call UYAI CUISINE on 08033736490 ASAP

What do you know about your OKRO SOUP?

After years of eating Okro soup , many people have never bothered to know how it benefits our body.
Okro also known as lady fingers has great health benefits and can be cooked in diverse ways and will still come out tasting good.

Okra is packed with lots of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber and that makes it far more than just a meal; it is a also medicinal. 

It acts as a laxative that aids in bowel movements thereby the best choice for weight watchers.

Its perfect for diabetics because the fibre also helps stabilize blood sugar level by delaying sugar absorption from the intestines.

Pregnant women aren't left out because it contains folic acid which is needed for the formation of the neural tube of the fetus.

Its also known to relieve cough, improve eyesight, prevents colon cancer and anaemia.

with all these health benefits, UYAI CUISINE knows the perfect way to make your okra soup exciting and mouth watering in many different ways.

Order yours today by calling 08033736490.

Friday, 8 May 2015

UYAI CUISINE to the rescue

Are you too tired to cook or just don't like cooking? worry no more, UYAI CUISINE is here to rescue you from that stress.
we cook and deliver all kinds of dishes right at your doorstep

follow us on instagram @uyaicuisine and add us on BBM 5626778E to start ordering the delicacies.

when it comes to meals, we've got you covered.